Paul Ruppel

Paul Ruppel

Digital Media Manager

Testing testing testing

Normal text

Bold text

Italicized Text

Underlined Text

Anchor Link

Image Component:

Image Gallery:

PDF Component:

Akta Video Component:

Livestream Video Component:

Twitter Component:

Instagram Component:

Facebook Component (post):

Facebook Component (video):

SpotIM Component:

(will test this later)

TikTok Component:

YouTube (video):

YouTube (live):

Vimeo Component:

GoFundMe Component:

Election Results:

Freeform Component (HTML only):

Hello, world!

Insert Article:


Summary Component:


AP Election:

Link text:

Link to Anchor Link:

Take me higher

Relative Link:

Click here for the /news page

Infograms Component (via Freeform):

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The latest from Paul Ruppel