Paul Ruppel
Testing testing testing
Normal text
Bold text
Italicized Text
Underlined Text
Image Component:
Image Gallery:
PDF Component:
Akta Video Component:
Livestream Video Component:
Twitter Component:
Instagram Component:
Facebook Component (post):
Facebook Component (video):
SpotIM Component:
(will test this later)
TikTok Component:
YouTube (video):
YouTube (live):
Vimeo Component:
GoFundMe Component:
Election Results:
Freeform Component (HTML only):
Hello, world!
Insert Article:
Summary Component:
AP Election:
Link text:
Link to Anchor Link:
Relative Link:
Infograms Component (via Freeform):
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The latest from Paul Ruppel
Testing Headline, Dek and Image overrides
This is a Post to test what type of headline, description and image displays where.
Newest kitchen sink post - Updated3
This is a kitchen sink post to check the display of ALL WYSIWYG components. This is ooooonly a test. Here goes!
Sponsored post test for CPENY-10409
This is a test. It sounds like the API response now has the branding section, so I want to see if sponsored posts get the right treatment in front-end components.
Election Results with special characters
This is a test. This is only a test.
Test article 12-6-21
This is a test article post with a VOD and a livestream.
NYC honors Women's World Cup champs with ticker tape parades
Adoring fans lined New York City's Canyon of Heroes on Wednesday to praise the World Cup-winning U.S. women's national soccer team as athletic leaders on the field - and as advocates for pay equity off it.
SVU-1695 Primary Tag override share test
This is a test of the Primary Tag override on Shared Content and whether it assigns Posts to the right Tag pages and content buckets.
SVU-1695 Primary Tag share test
This is a test of SVU-1695 for Primary Tags on Shared Articles.